• My Vote For Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary WordsMeanings
particlea tiny bit or piece of something
particularsingle or special. The same word also means fussy or very careful
particularto make one person or thing particular buy name or mention
partnera person who shares equally or who plays or works with another person
partridgea plump wild bird rather like a small pheasant
partya lot of people all together having a good time
passto move ahead of something in front of you. The same word also means to hand something to someone
passagea long narrow part inside a building, with doors opening at the sides and end of it
passbookbank book of one’ own account
passengersomeone who rides in a vehicle but who is not the driver
passportspecial papers from the government that help you to travel in other countries
pastea thick white liquid, used to stick paper and other things together. The same word also means a thick food which is spread on bread or toast for flavour
pastimea game or hobby that you like to do to pass the time
pastrya mixture of flour and water and fat which is rolled flat before it is backed
pasturea field where sheep and cattle are allowed to eat the grass
patto hit something very lightly
patcha small piece of cloth used to cover a hole in clothes. The same word also means a small piece of ground
patethe top of the head
patha narrow way along which people may travel, usually on foot
patiencethe ability to wait for something without making a fuss
patientable to wait for something without making a fuss; taking a lot of trouble to get something right. The same word also means a sick person who is being looked after by a doctor
patterto tap lightly and quickly. Rain patters on the roof
patterncurved or straight lines repeated many times over, as on a patterned carpet or wallpaper. The same word also means a model or plan to help you make something, like a dress pattern
pauseto stop what you are doing for a moment
pavementa hard path at the side of the street for people to walk safely
paviliona large tent or a wooden building, usually for the players on a sports ground
pawthe foot of a four-legged animal which has claws
payto give money for something you have bought or for work someone has done
peaone of the found green seeds which are used as food. Peas grow in pods on a climbing plant
peacea time when no one is fighting
peacha juicy round fruit with a velvety skin and a stone-like seed
peacocka large bird with beautifully-coloured feathers. He can spread his tail out like a large fan
peakthe topmost point. The same word also means the brim of a cap that sticks out in front
peala loud sound, as of bells ringing, or of thunder
peanuta nut which grows underground in a pod. Sometimes peanuts are called monkey nuts because monkeys are very fond of them
peara juicy fruit rather like an apple, only softer and rather cone-shaped
pearla small creamy-white jewel. Used for necklaces and other jewellery. Pearls grow inside some oyster shells
pebblea small smooth roundish piece of stone
peckto pick up food in the peak with short jerky movement. Hens peck at their food
peculiarodd; strange; unusual
pedala foot lever to make something work. Bicycles have pedals and so have pianos
peelthe skin of fruit or vegetables. You can peel (bark off) trees and sometimes pieces of your skin when you have been sunburned
peepto take a quick look
peera nobleman, usually with the rank of Lord. The same word also means to look very closely
pega strong clip or pin used to hang things up like washing on a line or to fasten things down like a tent rope
pekinesea small, fluffy dog with almost no nose
pelicana big water-bird which has a large pouch under the lower part of its beak. It can scoop up fish in its pouch, and store them there until it wants to eat
pelleta tiny ball of something, such as paper, clay or metal
peltthe skin or hide of an animal. The same word also means to throw something, such as snowball, or to pour down, like heavy rain
penan instrumental device used for writing with ink

Learning Competency

Modal auxiliaries Vs Primary auxiliaries
Primary auxiliaries are be, do, have. They are used to form tenses and to frame short answers.
Modal auxiliaries are will, would, may, might, shall, should, can, could, must, dare, need, used, ought. They are used to express moods.